Originally Posted by nexialys
yeah, i found another tick...
>> function fetch_user_agreed_rules($uinfo = '')
the $uinfo is not used at all nowhere...
and a request for the memberinfo: make it possible to choose what usergroups have access to these details... i don't see why i would let all my users see who agreed to X rules...
maybe let own users and admins see these details is more appropriate, so i would like a new field in the settings where we can add usergroupids... 
Thanx nexi, that thing "$uinfo = ''" has been removed, even if you leave it, it won't harm nothing

but the product xml file has been updated.
and if you don't want anyone to see what a member has agreed on, in his/her profile page, and would like to restrict that for admins/mods/and maybe the user him/her self
add this code with the template edit
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==5 or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==6 or $bbuserinfo['userid']==$userinfo[userid]">
change the usergroup ids to whatever you like.