Originally Posted by Cheertobi
I just checked the install.txt within the skype zipfile and all template edits seem to be for xfire?! Is this right?
aaaahhhh crap i'm reuploading them right now with the correct install file sorry about this i was changing them so fast i screwed up sorry
it's an easy fix for skype where it says xfire just replace it with skype
for example:
HTML Code:
function xfirewindow(userid, width, height)
return openWindow(
'sendmessage.php?' + SESSIONURL + 'do=skype&u=' + userid,
width, height
HTML Code:
function skypewindow(userid, width, height)
return openWindow(
'sendmessage.php?' + SESSIONURL + 'do=skype&u=' + userid,
width, height