Originally Posted by pipin
Thanx Wired.
Just two points:
You should add that <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[group_memberships]</td> has to be changed <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[extra_options]</td>
Well... it doesn't HAVE to be, but yeah, it would make it neater under certain circumstances. (in otherwords, when coding @ 1 AM, you forget things!

) I left them separate in case someone wanted different titles for both areas, although I will update the instruction file with that note, no version # change though.
Originally Posted by nexialys
please .zip it for easier uses...
It's only 7K though, and the XML file is not needed per se, as the same code is in the instruction file. IMHO, it'd take longer to download 1 file and unzip it then to download 2 files.