Here is a fix to get it work on 3.5.0
Make sure you compare to Velocd's version to know exactly where to place it.
PHP Code:
/////////// Eggdrop IRC Manager - By Velocd ///////////
// Modified by Anti-Gremlin //
$channels = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `irc_channel`");
while ($channel = $db->fetch_array($channels))
$nick_style = explode('||', $channel['nick_style']);
$ops = explode(' ', $channel['operators']);
$halfops = explode(' ', $channel['halfops']);
$voiced = explode(' ', $channel['voiced']);
$users = explode(' ', $channel['users']);
if (!empty($ops[0]))
foreach ($ops AS $op)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}', $op, $nick_style[0] . ', ');
if (!empty($halfops[0]))
foreach ($halfops AS $halfop)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}', $halfop, $nick_style[1] . ', ');
if (!empty($voiced[0]))
foreach ($voiced AS $voice)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}', $voice, $nick_style[2]) . ', ';
if (!empty($users[0]))
foreach ($users AS $user)
$channel['nick_list'] .= str_replace('{nick}', $user, $nick_style[3]) . ', ';
$channel['nick_list'] = substr($channel['nick_list'], 0, -2);
if ($channel['activity'] > 100)
$channel['alevel'] = 5;
else if($channel['activity'] == 0)
$channel['alevel'] = 0;
$channel['activity'] *= .05;
$channel['alevel'] = round($channel['activity']);
if ($channel['alevel'] < 1)
$channel['alevel'] = 1;
$channel['aname'] = $channel["act$channel[alevel]"];
$channel['online_max'] = number_format($channel['online_max']);
$channel['online'] = number_format($channel['online']);
$channel['date_max'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $channel['dateline_max']);
$channel['time_max'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $channel['dateline_max']);
eval('$irc_channels .= "' . fetch_template('irc_loggedin') . '";');