derek can you just go over my list here and point out the wrong step cause I'm not getting what you mean.
1. upload mysqlbackupconfig.php, mysqlbackup.php, ftp.lib.php, pclzip.lib.php in the forums 'includes' folder.
2. upload cronbackup.php in your 'includes/cron' folder.
3. edit mysqlbackupconfig.php with appropriate settings
4. make sure backup directory is chmod to 777
5. because I am using vb 3.5, use shell script file ( which is included with the VBulletin download in the do_not_upload folder. I edited this file to point to my ./includes/config.php file and then I uploaded this file to my forum root directory.
6. create a scheduled task to run daily and point to ./includes/cron/cronbackup.php
Now where exactly am I going wrong? Thanks for your help.