Originally Posted by jugo
That's easy just have to make a change to one file:
in add_site.php, change this to whatever you want the code to be:
$html = "{$vbphrase['toplist_add_successful']}<br />
{$vbphrase['toplist_html_code_message']}:<br />
<textarea cols='40' rows='4'><a href='{$vbulletin->options['bburl']}/in.php?id={$sr['id']}' target='_BLANK'>{$_POST['name']}</a></textarea>";
i am going to add something to mine that will allow me to specify the image to use. and maybe with a little GD code, it will display the current ranking on the image....
hmmmm....this is going to be fun.
If you get something like that working, please share it

. I want to add something like that, where they can select a image that shows their current ranking.