Originally Posted by stan111
yeah, it works like a champ
it skips that template, now my forum going way faster
thanks a million for all your help, buro9
It could go even faster if you did two things:
- Move your stylesheets to files. The option for this is in the AdminCP.
- Much more time consuming... validate your pages with the W3C Validation service: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=ht...elyviet.com%2F
Currently your pages are not coming back XHTML Transitional compliant, in fact on your home page there were 653 errors (probably only 20 or 30 things in actual templates). The cleaner your HTML is, the faster a browser will render it. Force the browser to have to deal with your errors, and it will slow down as it has to spend time trying to guess what you want.
vBulletin ships valid XHTML Transitional code... so it's just up to you to make sure when you hack it that things are still cool.
Close your tags: <p> should always have an end </p>, <img> should always have a self-closing slash <img />.
Include required attributes: <script> has to have a type: <script type="text/javascript">
Comment out your JavaScript for non-capable browsers: <script type="text/javascript"><!--
function boo() {alert('boo');}
// --></script>
Lots of TR tags are missing.
Etc, etc.
If your HTML is clean, it will render much faster as the browsers job is much easier.