Originally Posted by eNforce
It just comes up blank for me so I guess that means it isn't installed
I don't know how to install this junk through cpanel or ssh so I'll just wait for a plugin or something I dunno.
Great idea for a hack though!
Try now with the testPear.php file I've just attached. I actually had a bug in my posted script for testing PEAR, but this one I've tested myself instead of being so cowboy.
It's rather simple, echo's along the way:
PHP Code:
echo 'About to include cache object<br />';
$options = array(
'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
'lifeTime' => 5*60
echo 'About to create cache object<br />';
$cacheLite = new Cache_Lite($options);
echo 'About to include call cache object<br />';
if ($cacheStructure = $cacheLite->get('cacheTest')) {
echo '<span style="color:green">Stuff in cache already, Cache_Lite must exist, as must XML_RSS.</span>';
} else {
echo 'Nothing in the cache, but cache object called successfully<br />';
echo 'About to include RSS object<br />';
require_once "XML/RSS.php";
echo 'About to create and call RSS object<br />';
$rss =& new XML_RSS('http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/rss/recent.php?user=buro9' );
echo 'About to save stuff to the cache<br />';
$cacheLite->save('textContent', 'cacheTest');
echo '<span style="color:green">Able to put stuff into cache, Cache_Lite must exist, as must XML_RSS.</span>';