Originally Posted by iguanairs
Like I said, if everyone read the posts in this thread, they could get it to work. I was pmed several times asking how I got this working. I posted the fix that "I READ" in this thread AGAIN even though it was already posted. So I wasn't assuming. I knew the answer was in the reading because I myself posted it once. I didn't say exactly where it was because I don't have time to find it again to post the link to it.
When there are 18 pages in a thread and 100 installs, it is very safe to assume that the problem you are having installing this is either human error, or the answer has already been posted. If after reading the entire thread the answer isn't here, and you are certain it isn't human error, then you post the question. The real problem is that most people don't bother to read all of the posts, they skim them. Then they say they read the whole thing and the answer isn't there. The acp problem has been answered and posted 2 times that I am aware of. So there is no way that it was read like people are claiming. So tell me, where did I assume?
Stop back peddling, you screwed up and you know it. Like I said before you should have just pointed us to it and step back. You know what the real problem is? People who forget where they came from. Arrogance is like cheap clothes, they never fit right.