Originally Posted by Xplorer4x4
If this was clarfied before I missed it as well, but i needed a way to change the color of the mouse over. For example I have the Power blue skin instaled as my default. The mouseover did not show up because Alt1 and Alt2 were the same.
I went through and changed Alt 2(in red)
PHP Code:
to .legend in my case. To try a diffrent color, in your CSS options each table has a name in the bottom left corner of it. Just try those various classes in place of Alt2 untill you fidn oen that works. 
Small thing to add to this for people who don't want to usurp a whole Style slot.
If you check in your style options down at 'Additional CSS Definitions' you can add a code into the second box, like this;
PHP Code:
background: #6E81A0;
color: #000000;
Then change the template code to match as you suggested, but using the 'forumrollover' instead of one of the default ones. This way, if you ever use the default one you would have used otherwise, you don't have to have them both the same... if you get my meaning... somehow I don't think I was to coherent :s
But yeah, I use it, works great, and because of ^that^ method, I don't have to have alternating colours across my forum, yay!
*clicks install