I've made some mod's to my site:
I renamed
index.php to
site_index.php, and then created my own custom
index.php page. I added my own navigation to the header template. The "MAIN" button now navigates to
site_index.php. The logo link navigates back to
Everything is functional, but the navbits are now a little off. The index page shows:
PrintForum Home
Technically, this page is just "PrintForum", it isn't a subordinate page. I did that by adding:
$navbits = array();
$navbits[$parent] = 'PrintForum Home';
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
Should I just take out the second line?
site_index.php simply shows "PrintForum" with no subordinate. I suppose that's ok too, however,
online.php (What's Going On, Currently Active Users), shows
site_index.php to be an
Unknown Location.
How can I straighten this out?
1. Edit my custom page and/or template to be the "main" PrintForum page.
2. Edit the site_index page so that it's navbit reads "Forum Index", and is a "known location".