Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
Which list were the false positives coming from? I usualy found most were coming from CBL, which I disabled that code in mine. There were IPs that were last checked / listed many, many months ago. Which you would *think* would get de-listed over time, but they wern't.
Perhaps the actual checking code should be a shutdown query, as to not lag the end-user. Then the regular check against the session table can be where it currently is.
eoc_Jason I used your plug in and not the one in first thread.
It rejected connections from "GoBigWest" and "Dialup.cc". Both ISPs use Level3 numbers.
Rejected IPs were
IP Address:
Hostname: dialup-
IP Address:
Hostname: dialup-
The Spamhaus website said that the IP's weren't listed, but other whois sites were able to correctly identify them as Level3.