When i send a message to myself the main forum window stays in place but when recieving from another...it makes to much width and a scroll appears. Not in the message itself but in the forumwidth. (??)
This code i've put in forumhome_loggedinuser to use it with online members when clicking on their name:
<a onClick="window.open('sms.php?do=sms&userid=$l oggedin[userid]', '_blank', 'toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,width=400,heigh t=400,resizeable=no,status=no' ); return false" target="_blank" title="Send a sms to $loggedin[username] ?" href="sms.php?do=sms&userid=$loggedin[userid]">$loggedin[musername]</a>$loggedin[invisiblemark]$loggedin[buddymark]</a>