Regarding the "Stepping on someones toes"; it's ok with me if you step on my toes, because I needed help with this plugin from the start myself. I knew that you guys in here could help me with this one, to make it better. So any ideas are still welcome. My RBL-DNS is free to use as long as it exists, and will be continuously updated with new proxies, and old proxies will be marked as "not working" when they are not reachable anymore.
The values for working and not working are:
PHP Code:
$bit_working = 2;
$bit_blitzed = 4;
$bit_timeout = 8;
$bit_error = 16;
.. and the blitzed-one is used if the proxies are matched with the blitzed database (Currently around 4200 out of 28300 registered proxies has been matched to their database).
By the way, thanks for all help.