wow. I actually just went through this entire thread :O
so, here's the quick OVERVIEW of what's up with this (doesn't cover everything, but most of the common problems/questions-- UP TO NOW):
feel free to correct me or update if I got something wrong...
HACK SUPPORT/BUGS OVERVIEW:- This hack DOES work for MOST people in 3.5 Gold. If it doesn't for on....
- Just assume this hack is NOT supported!!!! And won't be for sometime.
ZT is busy on other things. It may get updated sometime again (after ZT is done with the RPG game he is making for vb) and everyone will be stoked. But if you can't deal with that...then don't install and don't complain.
(or go to his forums and see if you can reach him there). 
- The feed is correct but you keep getting this error message: "INVALID URL TO RSS FEED GIVEN"
cURL or open_URL needs to be ENABLED in your server.ini file. THIS HAS TO BE DONE BY YOUR HOST PROVIDER. I had to actually move hosts to get it. :/
Fatal error: Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vb_datamanager_thread_firstpost in /includes/class_dm.php on line 758
Download latest version (we THINK is the latest.) This MIGHT fix it. (it worked for him)
If still doesn't work.......
then past solutions:
Flood Protection or Create Moderator
more detailed info
but that only works for some people. 
THIS solution ( ) seems to work as well, and/or explain why it WON'T for some. But I'm a n00b too, so that is greek to me.
- What version is this? it still reads as 1.5 but the download says 1.6
----see directly below
Duplicates!!....... Duplicates!!! =P
well ZT made a brief announcement saying everthing was fixed HERE ...but looks to have forgot to actually update the ZIP download (1.5 to 1.6) before disappearing again. lol. It MAY be 1.6...but lists as 1.5 in the admincp.
anyway... MOST PEOPLE STILL HAVE THIS ERROR. Some don't. Maybe 1.6 will get uploaded, maybe not....but see first item in this list if you got a problem with that. Until then.......
- Parse URLS? (whatever that means...
Do this:
Ane at the bottom of that will find the answer to:
- Problem
Set up so RSS feeds do NOT appear in NEW POSTS
One other thing someone was asking how not to exclude these posts in new posts or todays posts - do this.. if you have rss feeds in 16 15 and 23
just add &exclude=6,15,23 to the end of the do=getnew url and it'll exlude the forums with the forumids 6, 15 and 23.
(that is, modify the navbar template.^^)
OR you can use this: Opt-Out Forums from Get New/Get Daily
- Problem
You do NOT want to enable HTML in the rss forum!!
Then do this: new user in new usergroup with html enabled
Using this: Allow Users Groups to post HTML
"it doesn't seem to understand rdf, rdf:RDF or rdf: as the parent tag."
then this is a temp solution:
Chokes on enclosure tags since there is no end tag.
An enclosure tag looks like this -
<pubDate>Tue, 04 Oct 2005 21:29:27 -0500</pubDate>
<enclosure url="" length="4700889" type="audio/mpeg" />
<media:content url="" fileSize="4700889" type="audio/mpeg">
---solution: none. Needs to updated to deal with this
how do I get this to post the whole article on 3.5 Gold? I just want it to post the whole article instead of the description with a link.
---answer: You can't. You are at the mercy of the RSS feed itself. Its nothing to do with the hack, but dependent on the what the xml feed spits out itself.
there are some other issues....but those are the one's I saw with solutions or clear answers (good or bad).
please let me know if I messed any of that up and I'll update this post.
Hope that helps. I wrote mostly for myself as well....shhesssssh!! this thread. +_+;;.... lol