Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
ive managed to get this sort of working but dont understand step 3 it makes no sense whats so ever
any way it submitted my site map and i manually added it to google so i could track it BUT when i click status in google sitemaps it is showing this error:
Sitemap Errors
HTTP error
The server returned an error when we tried to access the URL provided. Please make sure the Sitemap URL is correct and resubmit your Sitemap.
whats happened here then?
If you unzip the diff_for_modified_vb_files.zip and put all the files in one of your PC's folder. You should have files include: global_php - diff - 1_6.htm and index_php - diff - 1_5.htm. Use your browser to open these files. It will show you a graphic version of the difference you need to change. Check the the legend for the colour at the left bottom of the screen.
Pink: Removed from old file
Yellow: changed lines
Green: Added in new file
This is very very easy by the way.
What is the URL that Google said it is wrong?