Originally Posted by WNxWakko
How can I make the Questions Bold or colored when its submitted into the thread?
You can use vBcode in your answer template.
There is one thing mentioned above, make sure there is a space after the last opening tag and before the first closing tag. Otherwise I think you get an error when you try to save the template.
An example taken from one of my answer templates:
HTML Code:
[center][u][b][size=5] $subjecttitleans [/size][/b][/u][/center]
[center] _____________________________________________ [/center]
[b] $subjectdate [/b]: $subjectdateans
[b] $subjectlocation [/b]: $subjectlocationans
[b] $filesize [/b]: $filesizeans
[b] $fileruntime [/b]: $fileruntimeans
[b] $fileformat [/b]: $fileformatans
[center] _____________________________________________
[u][b][size=5] $longquestion2 [/size][/b][/u][/center]
[center] _____________________________________________
[u][b][size=5] $longquestion3 [/size][/b][/u][/center]