Originally Posted by JohnBee
One simple question
I want to add a small space on the bottom of my columns to even out the layout with the top of the layout. How could I do that?
say add 1 line space on the bottom under the columns?
If you add another <br /> after <br class="clear" /> (in v2) you should get a extra line.
Originally Posted by JohnBee
I was also wondering if there was a way to turn turn on/off the subforum in columns option by individual forums? if not, could this become a featiure? In some cases i would like to let the smaller (2 or less) subforum, forums in there original state, justified next to the Subforum: subtitle in the forumhome layout.
As this is just a template mod, this is not possible. But if someone writes a plugin that adds a setting for this somewhere (forummanager) it would be possible to achieve through if-conditions.
Originally Posted by ggiersdorf
Great mod, but I have a question.. Is there any way to make it sort the forums in the list alphabeticaly?
You need to do this manually in your forummanager.