Hey LNTT, i think you can minimize a lot of the plugins so we can spare some space in our dB...
// ::vBRecycle v3 //
// by LNTT(toai007@yahoo.com) //
// http://www.fanfunvn.com //
// Start - IM - Fix Invalid //
... completely useless, because they are never displayed anywhere... they are stored in the dB, in the plugin system, and only the scripts "see" them, so maybe in the next release you can save us these 6k (about 200 lines)
... i know you want your credits, but the system doesn't care... and we know you've done a great job... !!!
oh, btw, i have an alternative for the menu... instead of the bar you've created, i added an element in the tools bar... screenshot included... if you want it, i can send the modification next...