Is anyone else seeing a problem with new post icons? I'm seeing posts marked as new in the latest threads display, but if I click on "new posts" it says "Sorry, there are no new threads to view." That is correct - the new post icon in latest threads is wrong for me. Thus far the only way I've found to clear the new posts icon is to mark my forums read.
For example, I can log in as a test user and see 10 threads as unread using "new posts". If I click on a thread title it takes me to the thread. If I click on "new posts" again the thread is no longer listed, but if I go to my forum home the thread is still showing up as unread in the latest threads block. I'm using the database with automatic thread marking to track unread items.
I'm guessing that I need to modify the SQL to look at the threadread table for each post and add it to the show goto new post section (listed below).
// show goto new post
$show['firstnew'] = false;
$bbforumview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('forum_view', $thread['forumid']);
if ($bbforumview > $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']) {
$lastread = $bbforumview;
} else {
$lastread = $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'];
if ($thread['lastpost'] > $lastread) {
$threadview = fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $thread['threadid']);
if ($thread['lastpost'] > $threadview) {
$show['firstnew'] = true;
$show['icon'] = false;
Am I alone here? If so, I'll just quietly go fix my problem on my forum, but if not I'd like to solve this for all of us, not just me.