i've seen some guys porting 3.0 hacks to 3.5, and in their credits, they write that they asked permissions but never had a reply, so they took the right to do the release anyway...
i think that something needs to be done about that... make solid statements in hacks release rules, where you indicate that if you did not have permission, you can't release an update.
i would find this funny myself, i've recreated a lot of vB 2.0 hacks for my personal uses, and i would be happy to release them as 3.5 hacks, i would have a list of about 150 hacks right now, with all the prestige that it deserve... but i never asked the permission to rewrite and release updates of these hacks, so it would be like stealing the effort of someone else, and the credits... (90% of the guys never rewrite credits!)
same way that we had to discuss how to offer our own releases for the market,.. if someone wants to play with my hacks and upgrade them, i just want the guy to ask me permission, and i would be pleased to see my work rebuilt... but if i see one day that my code was overwritten and the guy state that he contacted me (and i was not aware of), for sure i would be very upset about that, like grog6 !!!