Anything and everything connected to the chat. New rooms, order of rooms, moderators, etc.
As dsotmoon said - When you sign into the admin section of the flashchat, and say click on users, you get this message....
This option is not available when FlashChat is integrated with a custom CMS (content management system).
Please use the user administration tools which come with your system to add, edit, or remove users.
I installed the vbChat module last year - and it had a section IN the vb admincp where chat configuration was done.
I guess I just wondered if I should expect to see that with flashchat as well - due to "integration" with vb 3.5 - or is "integration" literally the fact that it uses the same user database? (Which is AWESOME - I'm just figuring out if I missed a step somewhere to FURTHER integrgate flashchat into the actual admincp of vbulletin.
Am I just assuming too much LOL? (I already know vbchat and flashchat are apples and oranges COMPLETELY - wow flashchat is amazing).
Thanks -