Originally Posted by buro9
To those unsure about this hack, I would say persevere.
My number of Google spiders hasn't increased dramatically, but they're being far more efficient.
A month ago the number of pages I had in Google was only 66,000, now I have over 846,000 pages indexed: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3Awww.bowlie.com
It really is worth it, although the code edits in archive/index.php can be a bugger to get your head around at first.
I second that!
It's been a few days now, guess what
9.640 listed already, coming from 642 just 2 days ago!!!!!!
Man this hack rocks, you deserve to win hack of the month + hack of the year for all I care
ps: just need a better explanation for step 3, I couldn't do that one.