Originally Posted by PixelFx
Ok I know chmod, and set my archive/internal files to 777 .. I also did my root as 750 ..
any sugguestions?
We are really having fun with permissions, aren't we?
Your permissions are wrong, and by the sound of it, you do not fully understand chmod.

The good thing is at least you explained what you have done instead of saying: "I have the errors, tell me how to fix".
Please list your directory permissions here. (two #ls -l output) Let me guess, you changed the permission for the files, not the DIRECTORIES as my instruction. You said you changed your root? (I highly doubt,

do you mean '/' or the base directory of your vB install? When you have 750, what are the ownership of the directory? User ownership and group owership? It is very weird to set a web directory to 750, usually you would need to at least have 751, or 755.
Instruction I will include in the next readme file:
The script will need to write files to two directories.
1) The base vB directory
2) the archive directory.
You will need to change the DIRECTORY permissions for these two directories.
Let's presume your directory structure is:
('~' means it is under your user home directory, the acture directory should be something like: /home/your_isp_user_name/public_html)
You need to do:
1) change the permission for the vB base directory. So
#chmod 777 public_html
(or #chmod 777 ~public_html if you are not already under your home directory)
2) change the permission for the archive directory. Do
#chmod 777 public_html/archive
(or #chmod 777 ~public_html/archive
or #chmod 777 archive
if you use some kind of web based control panel)
I really wish someone who can write a better instruction for changing directory permissions for me. 50% of the problems using this hack are permission related.