Alright, I've finished the code... My last problem was that the templates were not showing up, the issue came because the global_start hook occurs before the header & footer templates are fetched, so I had to add them in manually.
There's 3 simple steps to implementing this.
1 DB addition
1 Phrase addition
1 XML file to import
I guess this could of been a "product" or whatever to automate the DB & Phrase, but I haven't had a chance to mess with that yet, and I don't plan on supporting this, so please don't ask.
The code is simple enough, I think a person could figure out how to add additional RBLs.
Anyhow, I'm not trying to step on the original author's toes with this hack, this is just a slightly different alternative that only checks (and saves) once per session (instead of every request).