I could find nothing that does the following changes!!!
can someone pls help me? screenshot attached.
Newsgroup/M-list E-mail : the email address to send a message to mailing list.
Server: A pop3 email server. One dedicated email address to receive emails from list.
Username: pop3 email user name
Password: pop3 email account password
Set to 'use_real_email': will use the member's real email address in the From: header
Set to 'One Name <a_email@a_domain.com>': All posts will use this as the From: header
Leave this empty: posts will use a randomly generated email address to prevent spam
prefix: Set this to the mailing list title. Eg. if the mailing list always have
[Newbie] in the subject line, enter [Newbie] as the prefix. If you leave
this blank, all messages will be imported.
lastmsg: no need to set