Originally Posted by buro9
It's really simple to migrate.
Just copy the block of code into the foot of admincp/template.php
And then add this XML to includes/xml/cpnav_vbulletin.xml
<navoption comment="HACK : COMPRESS TEMPLATES" displayorder="51">
<navoption link="template.php?do=compressall&revert=1" comment="HACK : COMPRESS TEMPLATES" displayorder="52">
That needs to go ABOVE this piece:
<navgroup phrase="languages_and_phrases" permissions="canadminlanguages" displayorder="30">
Which places it in the styles_and_templates group.
The hack continues to work perfectly in vb3.5 
This won't work. You'll need to change the queries to:
if it's a select/read querie:
from '$DB_site->query' to '$db->query_read'
if it's a update/write querie:
from '$DB_site->query' to '$db->query_write'
You also need to add the phrases 'compressall' and 'uncompressall'. otherwise they won't show up in de navigation-menu of your adminCP.
You can also remove the badtemplates 'phpinclude_start' and 'phpinclude_end'. They don't exist in vb3.5 gold