Originally Posted by kall
I don't recall setting the postbit to have a background... But I know what you mean, and it's something I have found bloody annoying about vB for a long long time. The default panel/panelsurround gradient images are far too short. To 'fix' it, you need to make taller versions of those gradient images.
The second issue.. do you mean that screenshot with a quote under the postbit? I don't know how that happened...but maybe fuller shots of the postbits would help.. or a URL.
See how the first screen shot the post itself had a background and border. I've seen 3 members now who's posts are like the second screenshot with no background or border.
Here's a link to that thread, notice the user Munkey has no background or border around his post while the rest do:
Edit: Nevermind that link now, it seems the thank-you hack is affecting them. One member had it disappear after being thanked, and one had it re-appear, not sure what's conflicting there.
But now I've got a couple member who are having problems seeing images that are being posted with the [img] tags. It's not all of them just some of them. I do know one is using IE and the other is using AOL browser.