OK it looks like that happens when trying to delete a non-synched topic (old).
Anyhow, I have a **BUG REPORT**
On the main forum index, in the Last Post column, It is using the date of the last thread reply in the topic instead of the calendar date.
You can see here:
[Tue Oct 4, 2005] LADIES...
by TerraEnigma Productions
Tue Oct 4, 2005 04:50 AM
But when you enter the "Upcoming Events" section, it changes to what it should be displayed as:
[Fri Oct 7, 2005] LADIES DRINK FREE THIS FRIDAY AT ICE!!!! (Fri. Oct. 7th)
TerraEnigma Productions
I've already put this on a live production board, can we please get a fix for this ASAP!!