Originally Posted by ProperMethodz
Sir... I'm a n00b at this stuff. I agree that the vBa settings are pretty easy to navigate and he should have looked.
But, since you are an advanced coder, this would seem like something simple to you, therefore EASY to someone like you who KNOWS where these options are to simply tell him that the options are in the vBa settings.
In addition, It's really not that difficult to find. But with you being a coder do you think it's appropriate to address the people of this site (potential customers) like that?
People here (like myself) need your help with RETARDED questions like this one EVERY day in order for us to learn. Many of us are starting at Square one where you have been doing this for years. For instance... I have been searching these forums for about two days trying to find out how to get the preferred (or used) style under the users name like you have here.
I stronly suggest creating an entire forum based on the hacks which are applied to this site.
I've mentioned that I would like to help develop an interactive site which would allow for administrators to click on their prospective areas and adjust them accordingly if you were logged in as an administrator. In essence an actively editable site. This is the reason why. Because you either need to hire more people to help the more users in order to save your sanity, or the software needs to be coded to be easier to use. Maybe both... and you can hire me
I can use the search feature like nobody's business... give me n00b's corner... ASK ANYTHING (about vBulletin of course). We'll call it tier one support. 
Every now and then I let one of these posts slip and I appologize, however the vBa options are not nearly as bad or scary as the vBulletin options. Anyone who looked at the main vBa options page should have at least figured it out.
Sometimes these things get to me, mostly, because its right infront of you, I know we all start some where. But sometimes a simple search on vBa.com or vB.org might do you 100 times more good