It just occured to me about the images. Thanks for mentioning it. It made me get on with the job and that fixed the images issue. As for the vB options, the correct URL is set. <-- That format. I've always had it like that but I still get the login problem.
Better (any other O_O) solutions welcomed but for the time being I dealt with the issue this way;
Made a login.php for the main site to redirect back to the main page. eg:
PHP Code:
Crude but does the job.
Update 2: I figured out where I can fix the link. The full URL was needed in the STANDARD_ERROR template, though I reckon my solution is better for my purposes than template editing. Why divert people on the site to the forums, eh? Thanks for the tips, people.
(Of course, when I open the forums again to public view, this issue will be trivial.)