Originally Posted by vbcore
I like it man, good work. To be honest, I like your light blue one, it's a very nice unique skin and design. I voted for it for vBOTM not to long ago, I am not sure if it won though, it should have  Again, I like the new style, but not more than the light blue one!
Thanks a lot for the good words, I also like my light blue style a whole lot better. The dark blue style was just to please my members.
Originally Posted by Tony G
You need to differ your table colours and background colour more. They're too similar, hence blend into each other which doesn't create a good effect. The shade needs to be at least noticeabely different.
I will certainly take the advice to heart but it's late now and changing the page background will force me to redo the header and footer navs. So I don't have the energy.