Originally Posted by altsounds
Not yet fully finished (but close) I have melded many hacks from here and created myspace user profiles and usercp for vbulletin. Everything layout wise is inspired by myspace but you have a lot more than they do too.
To check out a member profile go here:
To check out the UserCP your gonna have to signup on the site but it'll be worthwhile for all music lovers out there as there is loads of music videos that you can add to your profile with one click of a button.
Props go out to the coders of vbbuddies and Webpage and Guestbook for two important factors for making this work (the buddy list and guestbook).
The member profiles are completely conditional so if you don't have something i.e. no extra images, the block won't show.
Looking for comments and ideas on how to finish this off and then will be willing to share my work. Am undecided whether or not to make this a pay hack or not seeing the amount of work that has gone into it.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
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just so you know.