Originally Posted by KirbyDE
From looking at the code, I think it should be possible to use Hooks
for what you want to do.
I'm sure it *might* be possible to fudge/kludge/bodge it using existing hooks, I'm also sure the same applies to many hooks already added. I do also use the reputation power function in another place besides it's normal use, so I'm not sure how that would work, duplicating code in multiple hook locations is not my idea of a good way to do things.
I have managed to kludge up a way to change the pips display - but it requires a minor template change (one btw that would not affect any normal vb installations workings, so it would be nice if it were a master change).
However, it's much easier, simpler and cleaner to have a hook in each function. It's a bit worrying (from the post above) that the request doesn't appear to have even been seen.