Originally Posted by neocorteqz
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /home/neocort2/public_html/email.php on line 120
any ideas?
Originally Posted by Erwin
No idea. 
I have the solution to this problem. $this seems to popup alot in vb if you are using php5.
This "feature" was undocumented in PHP4 and was never intended to work.
For background on why support for reassigning $this was dropped, take a
look at
http://news.php.net ( php.internals mailing list in particular )
or the ZendEngine2 mailing list which is archived at
But here is how you can fix this, my host is using Php5 and I got the same problem.
PHP Code:
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /email.php on line 120
Go to line 120:
It should look like this:
PHP Code:
if (is_array($num)) $this=$num[$i]; else $this=$num;
Replace it with this
PHP Code:
if (is_array($num)) $this->$num[$i]; else $this->$num;
replacing the = with -> will correct this problem in most cases using PHP5.
:nervous: Hope this helps.