For purely aesthetic reasons, I am trying to replicate vB's function of "is the last post on this page", although admitedly sloppy - but it worked for 3.0.x!
This is the code at the bottom of the entry bit:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$moo!=10 AND $enum>1"><div style="padding-top:6px"></div></if>
$moo is basically the entries per page, and $enum is the entry number.
This is the code I'm using in the journal.php file:
$fentries = $db->query_read("
SELECT journal_entries.entry_id, journal_entries.entrytitle,
journal_entries.entrytext, journal_entries.mood, journal_entries.allowbuddies,journal_entries.entrydate,
journal_entries.entry_totalvotes, journal_moods.mood_name, journal_entries.ipaddress,journal_moods.mood_image, journal_entries.entry_totalrating,
journal_entries.private, journal_entries.whocanview,
COUNT(journal_comments.comment_text) AS comments
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "journal_entries AS journal_entries
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "journal_comments AS journal_comments ON (journal_entries.entry_id=journal_comments.entry_id)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "journal_moods AS journal_moods ON (journal_moods.mood_id=journal_entries.mood)
WHERE journal_entries.journal_id=$j
AND entry_active='1'
" . iif($journalinfo['journalist_id'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], "AND (journal_entries.private != 1 OR FIND_IN_SET('" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "', journal_entries.allowedusers))") . "
GROUP BY journal_entries.entry_id
ORDER BY entrydate DESC
LIMIT $start,$perpage
$enum2 = $counte['entries']-(($pagenumber-1)*$perpage);
while ($entry= $db->fetch_array($fentries))
$enum = $enum2--;
$enum counts down the entries from the amount of entries stored in the journal in reverse and $moo is the entry count per page..
As mentioned, this code worked in 3.0.x, but doesn't appear to work in 3.5.0 for some reason and the div padding is still being placed on the last entry of a page..
I added some debugging (echo) code, and both $enum and $moo are being parsed correctly..
Weird.. The <if condition> is being printed in the source code.
I've had this issue before, and reported it