Is there any means to using this if the affiliate system was installed with 3.0.x? What I mean is that I tried running the plugin and got this:
CREATE TABLE affiliates (
affiliate_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
sitename varchar(50) NOT NULL,
siteurl varchar(250) NOT NULL,
sitedesc mediumtext NOT NULL,
buttonurl varchar(150) NOT NULL,
type tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
email varchar(250) NOT NULL,
clicksout int(20) NOT NULL,
clicksin int(20) NOT NULL,
active tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
totalrating bigint(20) NOT NULL,
totalvotes bigint(20) NOT NULL,
approved tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (affiliate_id),
KEY sitename (sitename),
KEY siteurl (siteurl),
KEY email (email)
MySQL Error : Table 'affiliates' already exists
I suppose I could just drop the old tables, but I had hoped that this would be more of an upgrade than a fresh install