More or less solved no.2 myself with a simple 'ob'. For the benefit of anybody else that likes to cache data and save database/php load:
PHP Code:
$html_file_contents = ob_get_contents();
$result = $html_file_contents;
$fp = fopen("a1.html", "w");
fwrite($fp, $result);
Only problem left is the fact that this 'save' script is simply a process for storing the data, I don't want it to output the information as well. Is there anyway to hide the public output of "output_NewestThreads(5,"1,2,3");", so that the script simply loads, processes and saves without outputting the threads summary when it's loaded?
I also still need to find a way of displaying the START DATES (i.e. No.1 in post above) for the threads. It should just be a matter of adding an extra call like "'postuserid' => $Thread['postuserid'],", but I can't remember what to use for date?