like this ?
<?php echo "$vbphrase[welcome_x]";
echo "$bbuserinfo[username]".contsruct_phrase($vbphrase[welcome_x],$bbuserinfo[username]); ?>
because i get this error message
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: contsruct_phrase() in /home/****/public_html/*****/header.php on line 81
have i done something wrong or is it all wrong ?
right i found out the reason i was getting an error message, it was because i was spelling construct wrong lol, but................ when i put this
echo "$bbuserinfo[username]".construct_phrase($vbphrase[welcome_x],$bbuserinfo[username]);
i get this
MambocubeWelcome, Mambocube
i cant seem to get rid of the username in front
any ideas?
ok i managed to do it by doing this
echo "".construct_phrase($vbphrase['welcome_x'],$bbuserinfo[username]);
thnx for the help guys