$song[0] - current song "on-air"
$song[1] - song that played before $song[0]
$song[2] - song that played before $song[1]
$song[3] - song that played before $song[2]
$song[4] - song that played before $song[3]
and soforth to $song[19]
all of these are in the current Hack - If installed and "on the Air" hit the collapse / expand Image.
I added the " + " (plus sign) as a place holder, it is not needed
If you want a many songs to list in the "marquee ", try:
List current and last 4 songs (total 5 songs)
<td width="50%" style="padding-left: 5px" class="smallfont"><tt><marquee width="98%" scrolldelay="100" scrollamount="5">+ $song[0] + $song[1] + $song[2] + $song[3] + $song[4] + $song[5]</marquee></tt></td>