Originally Posted by FleaBag
He didn't mean that his forum is about politics, he meant it would interfere with personal politics. I'd actually realised the same thing last night - this kind of info could cause a lot of issues for users. With this in mind, for extra security - it would be nice for a user to turn off admiration - so they can NOT be admired, via UCP. Obviously if they do not receive, they also can not give.
Another suggestion is maybe moving admiration notifications over to an hourly CRON job. I just realised that if the user admiring, and the user being admired are using the forums at the same time - that the e-mail would alert the admired, if they quickly checked Active Users the admirer would probably still be [or be listed as being] viewing the admired's profile - giving the game away. Not sure if that makes any sense haha... 
I second this.. If only a handful of users are on and one gets an e-mail, it severely limits the choices and would be a total giveaway.. I think it should send out the e-mails on an hourly cron job to make the game that much more enjoyable.. I also believe that allowing users to NOT receive any notices (the option not to be involved in the game whatsoever) would really be helpful as well.. Thanks for considering these!