Originally Posted by juanchi
I being evaluating Chats and I think will go the digichat way after comparing it with userplane and chatblazer. I like the fact that it is skinnable but I will like to know what is the feature that put digichat above the other options.
Sorry, but I do not understand your question. What do you mean with "feature that put digichat above the other options"?
Originally Posted by juanchi
BTW Pseudomizer great hack, I noticed that you are very active at digichat forum, do you work for the company, I ask you this because I will like to know if there will always be support for your hack, I don't want to find myself in the future with a none working chat. :squareeyed:
I am giving support on the DigiChat forum from end user to end user. I do NOT work for Digi-Net or DigiChat. I am moderating their forum and I get the latest releases for testing from DigiChat. In Germany we say "one hand washes the other".
And to answer your question regarding support: I will support all my hacks but this is my hobby. So when I have time I am creating new features and functions and I share my work with other people. To give you an example with VBulletin 3.5. I am waiting for the final release and then I will start creating my new hack for DigiChat Integration. I will need some Beta testers again and then I will go out of Beta as soon as all bugs and errors are removed. Nobody is perfect. I think this should answer your question about support.