1) Yes
2) No
Check out the screenshots in the other thread.
Saves date, time, filename, fileid, userid, username, ipaddress, and alt_ip.
All this for every download.
None get overwritten, ever.
My latest version for vb350 ALSO IMPORTS all the data automatically from this old vb30x hack if you had it installed.
Honestly, I see no reason why anyone should stick with 3.0.x
3.5.0 friggin rocks!!
It's in it's final stages if you've been keeping tabs of it.
Not trying to be a jerk ... And please don't take it as me being a jerk because really I'm not .... But I think the ONLY way I would rewrite the 3.0.x version is if someone paid me money to do it .... in which case YES I WOULD because I am currently one broke mofo.