Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Sorry but you completly lost me here. Please try to explain a bit more. I know nothing about WoW classes or rosters.
At minimum, what I and the other posters are looking for, is a hack that generates a list based on all the members in one or several user groups. So, for example, I can have guests on my board, but then I also have members of my guild in that user group, and I want to generate a list dynamically of all the members of my guild.
The code, therefore, would query for all the members of this group (as well as the moderators / officers and webmaster / admin) and then generate a roster of the guild. Additional functionality would include profile fields for information about the members' characters, such as race, level, rank in the guild, etc. All of this information could be included in the roster as well.
If someone wanted to get really technical, then there are some specific features that would make it really nice - such as the character profile fields being visible only to members of certain user groups, but that the roster page still be publicly viewable.
Anyway, that's the gist, and deverhart already has a great looking hack going on his site for Everquest - one that would work pretty damn well for me if I could get it ported to using World of Warcraft info instead of EQ, something that should be pretty easy, even for someone like me.