Originally Posted by amykhar
For some reason, the post wasn't made, which throws that error. I really need to zap this attachment since RC2 seems to have broken some things and I don't have time right now to play with the code.
I just got the same error. However, it worked for me yesterday, so it doesn't seem to happen every time...
edit: n/m I see you pulled it already.
edit again:
It's obviously this line that is doing it:
$db->query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."post set visible=1,userid=$threadstarterid,username='.".addslashes($threadstartername)."' where postid=$newpost[postid]");
is there really supposed to be a period after username=' ? That results in the name being '.flypaper' instead of 'flypaper'. Please excuse my ignorance if wrong, I'm not even a beginning level of coder. kekekeke