I can't think off hand why it wouldn't work for rc3.
Unless the bitfields didn't rebuild properly due to cache holding it off.
... In which case a couple days passing should have fixed it by now.
Did you create a few new posts after installing it??
Because it hides the display if the counts would be zero, by design.
OTHERWISE .... I just finished a whole new version that adds a slew of new features so I haven't taken the time to backtrack if the current 1.0.0 version is having problems with RC3 or not.
Only trouble is I won't release new version until I get approval from Zero Tolerance to include a bitfield for his vBRadio in my usergroup permissions. I'm going to try and contact him right now.
Stay tuned and I guarantee the wait for next version will be worth it.
It's working perfectly on my RC3 server ... as best as I can tell so far.