Originally Posted by FASherman
I think the real problem is the way VB.Org manages hacks. If I were to take this code, find the problem and re-release it, I'd get jumped all over, asking if I received permission.
What we have is a buggy hack that has been orphaned. The author hasn't been around to fix it and hasn't shown any signs of doing so, age or any other personal issue not withstanding. The hack clearly indicates that it isn't supported, so there is no reasonable expectation that anything ever will get fixed.
There should be a way for someone interested in fixing and supporting a hack to take it over. A released hack filled with bug and logic errors with no support isn't a hack at all.
all u have to do is contact a hacker and ask if you can help the real problem with rereleasing hacks is that people tend to take full credit for the hack.
and there is no need to rerelease the code you can attach your fixes already to the post. or add the coding necessary to fix the problem.
then when the hacker notices the additions he will accknowledge your help ya know