Additional Control Panel
Hello, I've been lurking on this site for probably 3 years now... I rarely post because I usually find what I need and resolve most of my problems/questions just by searching.
Unfortunately, I have ran into quite the hurdle... Hopefully someone can help. I thought I could work it out myself, but the task has proved harder than I'd imagined.
Anyways - I just need to make a new control panel. basically the same as the mod control panel, but with a different menu on the left. I managed to do this much, and created a new directory titled 'articleconpanel' where article publishers could go and login to view new submitted articles and submit their own.
I copied all the files in the modconpanel over to the new articleconpanel and did some modifications, but I have no idea what to change so my new USERGROUP, Article Managers, can login... and NOT moderators... basically I just want a new control panel.
I hope I was clear on this, I would love any help if anyone even has a foggy idea. Thanks in advance.