Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Honestly, vBulletin "integration" of Photopost is a joke.
I'd be happy to clue you in since you seem to have none; and, yes, an "insane" amount of work has been done to allow for use of many vBulletin elements since the release of vB3: avatars, signatures, bb codes, WYSIWYG/Enhanced input controls, a full set of templates specific to vB3, just to name a few things. And while there would be good reason to compare vBg to a year and a half old PhotoPost, there have been significant updates to PP since vB3 was released that you appear to be unaware of.
First of all, PhotoPost and vBg integrate with vB the same - both use vB's global.php to authenticate users and then take it from there in their own unique way.
As for features that PhotoPost has that vBg lacks; the list is long, but a few items would include: multi-paged indexes, announcements/category introductions, multi-category assignments for a single photo, cell phone uploads, gallery-style layout/portal style layout in addition to forum style layout, configurable placement of filmstrips (top, bottom, left, right), man I could go on and on couldn't I?
If I were to jump into a vBulletin discussion and only talk about the condition of vBulletin from 18+ months ago, I suppose I would be at the same disadvantage as you are now. Just a thought, but as a moderator whos word carrys more weight than others, maybe you should take a few minutes to be better prepared before making such inaccurate and inflammatory comments in subjects you appear to know little about.
For a comprehensive list of PhotoPost features, might I suggest you review this thread: