Originally Posted by Matt Collins
Fascinating... I must tell you I have traditional banners on a site running since 2000 with 6400+ members (growing every day). My hosting is only $25 a month and our income is roughly $1200-1500/month.
Here it is if you want to check it out.
Honestly I have been in college since 2000 (graduated a few months ago) and unable to give the site much attention. Now that I am free of the bonds of education I am in the process of doing some mods to the site including the VB Advanced CMPS on the front page as well as Google AdSense. I am not proud of the site other than the amount of income it is bringing me for the minute amount of effort I actually put into it.
Google actually contacted me about doing AdSense and I am trying to work the technical aspects of it this weekend. Thanks for your posts and insight!
oh thats a big number what i hear.How many Ad Filters did you add into your google AdSense?